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²Your Lucky Pick Share Certificate Special: Unlimited number Share Certificate per membership account. At maturity funds automatically renew at the current rate offering for the same term. No other offer may be applied. Valid for a limited time only between March 15-31, 2025. APY = Annual Percentage Yield.
³Four-Leaf Clover Share Certificate Special: Limit one Share Certificate per membership account. Certificate will roll into Share Account at maturity. No other offer may be applied. Valid for a limited time only between March 15-31, 2025. APY = Annual Percentage Yield.
Contact the Credit Union for full details regarding any of the above specials. Insured by NCUA.
We have terms available from 4 to 60 months to meet your financial goals.
Minimum deposit is required to open a Share Certificate.
Upon maturity funds will renew into a new Certificate with the same terms.
Either contact us to get started or apply via Online or Mobile Banking.
No worries - becoming a member is easy! Simply click here.
If you have any questions or problems with applying, please contact us.
A Member Service Representative will be in contact for additional verification.
Your Truth in Savings documents will contain all the esstential information and resources to making the most of your account.
You will be notified two weeks prior to discuss your Share Certificate reaching maturity.
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*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Membership eligibility required. Rates are subject to change without notice. Some restrictions may apply. Applying online may require additional contact based on applicants qualifications. Contact the credit union for full details on any of our Share Certificates and Specials. Insured by NCUA.
Early Withdrawal Penalty: We may impose a penalty if you withdraw from your account before the maturity date.
Amount of Penalty: For all accounts, the amount of the early withdrawal penalty is based on the term of your account.
Fees: There are no service fees.
All deposit accounts are federally insured by NCUA up to at least $250,000